There are a thousand reasons to visit us. If you would like to bring your vehicle to us for service, it is best to make an appointment with us beforehand. Then we will reserve the time for you. Please fill in the fields marked with an * so that we can arrange a service appointment with you.

Your personal data.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Custom_VIN Please define custom field key for custom text field
Custom_Date Please define custom field key for custom text field
Custom_Time Please define custom field key for custom text field
Osobne podatke obrađujemo u skladu s Politikom privatnosti Tomić & Co.
Zahtjev za izmjenom izjave o suglasnosti i pravo na opoziv
Napominjemo da uvijek možete, bez naknade i objašnjenja opozvati danu privolu i zatražiti prestanak aktivnosti obrade Vaših osobnih podataka. Opoziv privole možete podnijeti osobno u bilo kojoj poslovnici Tomić & Co. d.o.o., poštom ili e-poštom na adresu: gdpr@tomic.hr.